Saturday, November 15, 2008

Saturday wind and rain

Here it is Saturday.
The wind is blowing hard from the NE and it is raining with the possibility of changing to snow this afternoon or tomorrow.
I don't think I will be wood cutting today.

We lost another chicken this week. We are down to three Americauna's and one Silver laced wyandot .
Two of the wyandot's have kicked off.
Four chickens sure go through food slower than 50. But they haven't started laying yet, any time now would be good.

I'm going to write today.
I have to work on an article on squirrel hunting for Helium.
Another blog post and an article I hope to submit to Backwoodsman magazine.

Be sure to hit the poll on the right side of the page.
I added a couple blogs I like also.

Still clinging to my God and my guns

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